The plinth molding is 15” tall and is perfect as a surround on the base of a classical structure. It comes in 4 dimensions: 12” wide, 18” wide, 24” wide and the stretcher is 36” long. The first 3 can be used as bases around pillars and also on corners. The installer needs to give these molding a trim at a 45 degree angle. A supporting “L” shaped galvanized metal below helps with the installation.

Our baroque molding adds elegance. Use it around window and door openings. As you can see, it comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. We produce it even in 10 different diameter sizes. These arched moldings are 18 5/8” long, This allows for framing any arched window no matter what its diameter is. There are also 12”, 18” and 24” finished end pieces mostly used for pillar surrounds or belly mold corners. There are two different lengths of stretchers. The 18” stretcher features the hangers at the narrow (6”) ends. The 36” Stretchers features the hangers coming out the sides and are perfect when installed as a belly mold. Even two different keystones are available

Please note that the gothic molding is produced in width of 8”, 12” and 18”. The 8” molding, complete with end and corner pieces are ideal for window and door surrounds and even as belly molds. Gothic moldings also come in 10 different diameters in order to fit any round or arched window dimensions. With the 12” and 18” gothic molding you can create beautiful pillars, pilasters and quoining. The 36” Gothic Stretcher features the hanger on the sides.

The top sill in the photo is the only molding that we produce which features no hangers. It requires 3/16” holes to be drilled in the horizontal line, immediately below the bull-nose. The screw heads will be hidden with a line of caulking. The 4 other designs feature the metal hangers. Use your imagination where to uses it. Maybe as window headers or belly molds etc. (Make sure the pillars are framed at 1” less then the tiles designated for the pillar to allow room for the rain screen hangers in the back).

The fluted moldings are also produced in 3 different width. 8”, 12” and 18”. The 8” molding looks very attractive on the sides of windows or doors. The 12” and the 18” wide molding look fabulous on pillars, pilasters and they can even serve as quoining. (Make sure the pillars are framed at 1” less to allow for the rain screen hangers in the back).

It is easy to create this classic design with one of our 3 vermiculated arches. Chose the right one for the round opening. Cutting will be required if for diameters other than 18” or 42”. The VMA42 will fit on an arch as large as a 60” diameter. Obviously the VMA needs to be laid out on a flat surface, then trace the new diameter on it and cut it. The VMA 999 can be used on diameters larger than 60”. It can fit on arches over garage doors, but you must reduce the step from 12” to a new step. This could be 6”, 3” or 0”. All 3 vermiculated arches will work perfectly with our Rustic tiles as you can see in the photo.

The Sill molding is 8” tall and adds a beautiful detail to any window. The sill has finished ends on both sides. (For stretchers simply cut off both sides.) These sills are not just limited for windowsills. You may use them as window or door headers, in gables, as a cornice or as a belly mold around the entire building.
The Sills are simply screwed onto the walls and they do not feature the rainscreen hangers. 3/16” holes need to be drilled (locations are indicated with small dimples just below the bullnose.) A bead of caulking will cover the screw heads.

Our Heritage sills are produced in two sizes, 6” and 8” tall by 36” long. These sills feature the rainscreen hangers. Use them as window sills, window and door headers and window and door surround. Heritage Sills can be used in many other locations on your building also.

The battens feature a more contemporary look. They are produced in 3 sizes. 4”, 6” and 8” tall by 36” long. They may be used on many locations on your building. If you desire a more simple elegance, the Batton is the right choice.