Grant is in the last stages of wrapping up the installation job 8074, but I just have to tell you about the response it’s been getting as soon he started getting it up on the walls.
Our neighbors that we actually know talk about it every time we see them. I’ve lost count of the number of complete strangers that have come up and asked us about it. People cruise by in their cars, and do a double take. Just this morning someone pulled a u-turn and parked to look it over. One person was making notes, so I’m guessing they were writing down the phone number from the pallets. Some friends of ours came over today, not to visit us particularly, but mainly to see the tiles and ask us about it. The in progress photos I’ve put on my blog caught their attention. They have some windows to do, but are seriously considering putting in an order.
Everybody we’ve talked to loves it, and several have mentioned upcoming exterior work.
My prediction is that you will be getting some calls from our area.
Keith Cartmell